Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Playing While Make Some Short Movie For Art

on Friday (28/05) pas tanggal merah, me and my friends have to go to school for make a short movie, for Seni budaya. they're Yunika, Sulthon, Nurun, Avi, and Hamzah. actually there is another member of his group but he didnt come, his name is Fahmi. Pas udah sampe disekolah, ternyata gerbangnya ditutup, soooooooo we play in front of school gates. oiya ada Amalia juga, dia gak satu kelompok sama gue tapi dia nunggu kelompoknya dtng, tapi ternyata kelompoknya gak jadi latihan akhirnya dia nimbrung dehh sama kelompok gue. this is our photos in front of the school gates while waiting for the gates are opened

(left: yunika's shadows. right: my shadows)



amalia and nurun



done playing in front of the school, kita akhirnya masuk ke dalam sekolah, and we toke a picture again while waiting the boys (sulthon and hamzah) selesai sholat jum'at.

(pinky converse: mine. gray bag: mine, from bali. SLR: Sulthon's)

oke than we walk to 4 tangsel jhs's garden to meet sulthon and hamzah, karna ada satu masalah dua tiga empat dan seterusnya alhasil kita gak jadi shoot. tapi iseng-iseng yunika , avi, dan sulthon, buat satu video gitu judulnya "Curhat bersama Yunika" LOL!!!! but i cant upload it because there's sumthin privacy. we took some pict again here!

(left-right: avi, nurun, me)

ohhiyaa almost forgot, this is our dearest fuckin school!!! hahaha SMP Negeri 17 Tangerang Selatan

yang gak ada fotonya cuma Hamzah haha thats all i can share here, to see more photos just check my facebook account. thankyouu and bye~~ xoxo

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