Rabu, 16 Juni 2010


hallo ppl. my name is widanty lintang hutami. you can call me just lintang. im 14 years old right now. im crazy about Converse (you can see on my header blog), Basketball, Jonas brothers, My crush (LOL), Ke$ha, Taylor lautner, tweeting, watching movies, watching concert, hangging out with my bestiest friends, Traveling, Joking, Laughing, Jurnalism and Photography. im the last child on my family, i have 2 sisters and one brother. I really hate shrimp. i like actions and romantic movies. my fave movies is The Twilight saga, Devil wears prada, a confenssion of shopaholic, 17 again, Valentine's day, percy jackson, iron man 2, Jonas Brothers 3D concert experience, and many mooooreee!!
you can add me as your friend on Facebook, or follow me on my freaky Twitter, and Tumblr. add my MSN : WIdanty.lintang@live.com

hmmmmmm i think thats all i can tell here, i cant tell all about me on one entry. sooooooo please follow this blog, Hope y'll like it ✗♥✗♥

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